Sunday, 27 February 2011

Something Beautiful...

It has been said that an image is worth one-thousand words. But, on some rare occasions this is far from the truth. Sometimes, an image evokes an infinite amount of possibilities and outcomes - a microcosm of this world's beauty.

In my final year of High School, I was given the opportunity to embark on a pilgrimage to Cambodia with three teachers and eight other students. It was there that I realised the profound value of education. Education, is the catalyst that can revive a country from an abhorrent past to a hope filled present.

Frank Ghery's Guggenheim Museum

I stumbled across this building while watching a documentary on architecture with my Dad. The organic and seductive lines immediately drew me into the building,  but I also found myself asking, 'how on Earth does it stand up?' This self-raised question furthered my interest in the enigma that is architecture (at least for the time being). Something interesting about the building is that the supposed 'randomness of the curves' were in fact designed to catch the sunlight, in a way, enhancing its majestic nature.

Creative Work

I drew this Jug at the local art center with conte crayons. It took 9 hours of intense work, and yet it still doesn't look perfect. The reason I chose this as my 'best' work is because it represents my continuation of art outside school, after I had dropped it in year eleven. It reminds me to persist in all my endeavors; schooling and otherwise.