Sunday, 27 March 2011

Accessing My Google Sketch Up - Concept 2

Hi Jeremy, Russell and Matt,

My Google Sketch Up Model was 40.2mb, so it was too large to upload on Google Warehouse. Please use the link below to access it.


Best regards,


Google Sketch Up - Concept 2 - Animations

(The music I chose, is the music I listened to when I used Google Sketch Up)

Google Sketch Up - Concept 2 - Final Copy

Overall Composition
Cross- Section
Top: Creation, Bottom: Grotesque  -  Materials: The workshop above the datum is now predominantly made of Tasmanian Oak. I chose this material to emphasis the connectivity the artist has with nature, and thus, adhering to the word 'creation'. Below the Datum is majorly Brown Australian Sandstone and large walls of glass. I used this to mirror Mueck's manipulation of form and space. Furthermore, the landscape of stalagmites and stalactites I created evoke sculptures that are naturally occuring. By surrounding the artist in this atmosphere (coupled with the glass for viewing), I believe it would inspire the sculptor for his future projects.

Malangi's Workshop - Above Datum

The Gallery

Mueck's Workshop - Below Datum

Staircase - Going Down
Materials: The staircase is comprised of Tasmanian Oak for the tread, with my custom texture on the side (The word solid was the influence). The railings is made of glass. I believe the Oak creates a consistency with the overall workshop and in tandem with the cantilever structure, heightens the connectivity to land - a prominent factor for indigenous painters. The glass, on the other hand, plays with the light, clearly highlighting the 'air' element of the workshop.
Staircase - Going Up
Materials: As a consequence to design changes, the material of this staircase is now Australian Sandstone Bricks. Not only does this resonate with the overall workshop, it also gives the space presence. In line with the client, Mueck, I wanted him to make a 'grand entrance' with each new piece of art he brought - the magnitude of his works, I interpreted as a part of his somewhat flamboyant personality. I believe the circular lake at the top of the staircase (or the ramp to the gallery for bigger works), certainly highlights this idea.

     Major Materials On Concept 2

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Textures/Patterns - Below

(Please read vertically), 1.Dull, 2.Hard, 3.Hairy, 4.Robust, 6.Bold, 7.Enveloped, 8.Bendy, 9.Metallic, 10.Flaky, 11.Entwined, 12.Stable

Textures/Patterns - Middle

(Please read vertically); 1.Soft, 2.Straight, 3.Rough, 4.Round, 5.Black & White, 6.Liquid, 7.Stretchy, 8.Stiff, 9.Transparent, 10.Opaque, 11.Plastic, 12.Reflecting

Textures/Patterns - Above

(Please read vertically); 1.Shiny, 2.Wavy, 3.Smooth, 4.Brittle, 5.Clean, 6.Bright, 7.Sharp, 8.Colourful, 9.Solid, 10,Wood, 11.Knots, 12.Fragile.

Stairs 5 - Going Down (Final)

Caves - Word: 'Grotesque' - Workshop Below

The Dreaming (The serpent) - Word:'Creation' - Workshop Above

Please also have a read of the information tab. This gives a very concise definition of the inexorable link between the Dreaming, past, present, future and creation.

Google Sketch Up - Concept 2 - First Real Drafts

As a more developed copy of my section, I'm pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. In conjunction with the two words these workshops are influenced by ('creation' being the top, and 'grotesque' on the bottom), I have tried to maintain this notion throughout my design. 

On the 'top workshop' I have combined three elements, 'fire' (middle structure), 'earth' (left structure) and 'air' (right structure) in order to both represent the word 'creation' and to cater for Malngi's needs. Undoubtedly, his affiliation with The Dreaming would be great, and as such, I have wanted to manipulate the space of the 'top workshop' to meet this idea.

On the 'bottom workshop' I have interpreted the word 'grotesque' as being something rather unexpected, rather than disgusting. As such, to meet the needs of realist sculptor, Mueck, I have given him a cavernous space to produce his works in. On the level below (the arrow), is a place where he can reflect on his art, and design his next works. This juxtaposition, I believe, both adheres to the word 'grotesque' and meets the artist's needs.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Google Sketch Up - Concept 1 - Experimenting

The ultimate endeavor of this project is to continually evoke the words 'Slithery' and 'Grotesque.' Given the context, and the design brief, the word 'Grotesque' does not mean something disgusting, but rather, something more simplistic and thus unexpected within the design (the bottom of the datum). I then want to contrast this with the ornate 'Slithering' of the artist's workshop above the datum.

Google Sketch Up - Concept 1 - Push + Pull

Top: Dreamy, Bottom: Grotesque

Sections 5

Top: (Slither/Art?)                  Bottom: (Creation/Art?)

Sections 4

Top-Left: (Dreamy/Still)Bottom-Left: (Slither/Still)Top-Right: (Creation/Still)Bottom-Right: (Dreamy/Art?)